2024년 9월 18일 수요일

Double Negative - 15 Years

I remember the day we metThe stolen kiss, the way you feltYour arms in mineStarted the beating of my heartAlthough we were so youngYour words still flood my mindOn the loneliest days I try to rememberThat spark we had
There was a time I thoughtWe would be foreverI couldn't imagine my life without youI couldn't breathe if you were goneSo many day dreams left undoneBut I still have our memoriesOf 15 years ago
I remember the way you smiledHow you lit up my dark lifeI'm just sorry that I couldn't haveBeen perfect for you
I let you goI should have held onIt's too lateI miss you
I still feel your touch on my faceThe grainy memory of our last kissIt still breaks my heartTo see your photographThe sadness in your eyes

As you said those words to me 

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